140 men were listed on a roster from 1951 were the 188th Airborne Infantry Regiment out of Fort Campbell, Ky during the nuclear explosion, with film badges. Remember the fact that the film badges only could record up to safe levels. Listed from the angelfire.com/tx/atomicveteran/roster.html website below.
AARP: Atomic Veterans Special Benefits Radiation Exposure
With the clock ticking, R.J. Ritter is on a hunt for an estimated 195,000 veterans exposed to radiation when the United States conducted atmospheric nuclear bomb tests between 1945 and 1962.Benefits For Veterans Exposed To Radiation, Michael Patrick Brewer, Feb. 16, 2012
The National Association of Atomic War Veterans is on the prowl for approximately 195,000 veterans who were exposed to atomic atmospheric tests between 1945-1962. They are also looking for those who were part of the occupation forces at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.If these individuals have experienced any one of 21 different cancers that are directly linked to radiation exposure they may be entitled to a one time compensation of $75,000 from the United States Government, in accordance with the 1990 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, or a monthy stipend up to $2673.oo a month from the Department of Veterans Affairs.Since 1990 very few have applied for this benefit that is also extended to widows and their children if the veteran died with the proper diagnosis and service connection.The applicants need medical records and the location of the exposure. The application will be reviewed and verified by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
I am sure the reader here is stunned that this reminder memorandum is being sent around the nation years after most of these men and women have passed on.
Did anyone actually think the government responds in a timely fashion?
I knew a fine gentlemen, who resided in Nogales,Arizona, that was at ground zero at Hiroshima in Grave Identification. No question about his exposure. His name was Joel. He was 86 year old. I helped him with his claim. He could not collect it because he was a dual citizen of the U.S. and Mexico.
Another local man named Jim, was exposed while attending ABC School, (Atomic Biological Chemical Warfare), in 1962. He has enumerable rare cancers. He has been fighting for his claim for 21 years.
Give the Government credit. They learned how to speed up the research for the modern day veterans. It only took them 30 years to recognize Agent Orange exposure.
1. Hamilton, Milton H
2. Sherard, Robert S
3. Cavano, Arthur T
4. Flynn, William L
5. Allen, Henry G
6. Ayers, Charles J
7. Babcock, Benjamin Jr
8. Berrigar, Fredrick
9. Bailey, Charles C
10. Bodell, George S
11. Borg, Emill L Jr
12. Bove, John W
13. Bradley, Richard W
14. Brinkman, Robert E
15. Bunyan, Everett
16. Berutti, Louis F
17. Chabot, Bernard L
18. Charno, George F
19. Cloud, Charles H
20. Clish, John B
21. Crow, George R
22. Coulter, Danial H
23. Coker, Cleo G
24. Combs, Raymond K
25. Cook, Chris C
26. Cusson, Theodore J
27. Davis, Roger L
28. DeBusk, John J
29. Dealey, Robert E
30. Drummond, Jack F
31. Doering, Alvin R
32. Doty, Donald
33. Doyle, William R
34. Duran, Candido R
35. Duran, Robert
36. Dumas, Oliver D
37. Eastman, Walter J
38. Fagot, Melvin M
39. Farfan, Jose A
40. Fernandez, Lucio M
41. Flaherty, Frances L
42. Frahm, Delmar S
43. Fugate, Raymond L
44. Gallagher, John K
45. Gard, Warren W
46. Garcia, Herbert
47. Grigg, Robert S
48. Griffin, William J
49. Gruidl, James F
50. Guitierrez, Felix V
51. Grandstaff, Eldon E
52. Harrison, Edward
53. Hartwick, Richard R
54. Hill, Jerome E
55. Howard, Lester
56. Humphries, Richard F
57. Horton, Donald
58. Ingram, Thomas E
59. Ironshell, Calvin R
60. Iserman, Ronald B
61. Jacobson, Jeul L
62. Jessop, Howard C
63. Johnson, Frank
64. Johnson, Edward A
65. Kasell, Frank
66. Kalianov, Michael
67. Kepner, Alva W
68. Koch, Ignatius
69. Koehnen Mark D
70. Latta, Niles G
71. Leistikow, Elroy
72. Lendo, Ledisleus E
73. Lockett, John J
74. Link, Samuel F
75. Lord, Robert
76. Lunceford, Edwin Y
77. Martin, Roby
78. Marty, Robert L
79. Martain, Floyd
80. Maginn William F
81. Marshall, Alvin L
82. Melander, Kenneth
83. Milroy, Carl W
84. Moore, Eugene D
85. Mcbride, Donald
86. Milligan, Marvin
87. O'Brien, Kennith
88. Owens, James E.
89. Patchen, Jack V
90. Parham, James E
91. Pires, Julius B Jr
92. Parrott, Edwin A
93. Preston, Theodore
94. Rendell, William L
95. Riggins, Roland H
96. Rice, Sidney R
97. Rue, Victor W
98. Ruse, Richard D
99. Rutherford, James M
100. Rutkowski Joseph F
101. Roth, Thomas J
102. Sanchez, Miguel
103. Sanchez, Eloy M
104. Sarver, Russell W
105. Schnirder, Ronald C
106. Saung, Robinson
107. Slack, George K
108. Sosebee, William W
109. Stanley, Charles W
110. Schlueter, Patrick V
111. Schmidt, Henry T
112. Sensabaugh, Thomas
113, Simmons, Thomas
114. Smallwood, Kenneth
115. Scott, Stanley E
116. Swanke, Martin J
117. Schuttenberg, Albert
118. Soderlund, Arthur W
119. Starnick, George B
120. Stringham, Walter B
121. Sullivan, John T
122. Scarberry, David H
123. Simms, James R
124. Sprague, Herman
125. Tavares, Thomas
126. Timmer, Gerald
127. Todd, Billy A
128. Venegas, Benjamin
129. Vondenkamp, Gerald
130. Wagner, Oscar
131. Warburton, Dale R
132. Wiest, Lawrence
133. Williams, Carl
134. Wilson, Harry J
135. Woolery, Donald L
136. Wright, Donald
137. Wilkins, Melvon H
138. Young, Ewell L
139. Younts, Norman E
140. Zerfas, Charles M